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Foot and Ankle Medical Services

Achilles Tendonitis

What is Achilles Tendonitis? Achilles tendinosis is a soreness and stiffness that comes on gradually and continues to worsen until treated. It often starts with stiffness and creaking when first getting out of bed in the morning. Lightly pinching the Achilles tendon with the forefinger and thumb will indicate soreness. Achilles tendinosis is a common […]

We are taking precautions above the CDC guidelines to protect patients and staff

We are taking precautions above the CDC guidelines to protect patients and staff. We are having patients sanitize hands upon entry, spacing appointments 30 minutes apart to maintain distancing, all applicable surfaces are sanitized after each patient visit, and all staff are wearing N95 masks. Our goal is to contribute to the safety and care of our patients during this difficult time. Please call us if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued trust and support. Sincerely, Dr. Daniel Bank and Staff